Thursday, 28 November 2013

On Sunday 8th December, at 3pm, there will be a Christingle Party at Holy Trinity Charlton. All are very welcome!

Forthcoming event - the Parish Church will be hosting a Swap and Shop for childrens' items this coming Wednesday, 11-11.45am..All welcome.

Friday, 6 September 2013

Next Sunday we have a very special visitor at the Parish Church, who will be leading our worship at the 10.30 Mass. He is Roly the Clown.
All are very welcome, particularly children. Come and be surprised!

This Sunday is Harvest Festival. Masses at the Parish Church at 8am and 10.30am, and 9.15 at Holy Trinity Charlton. In the afternoon we have a Childrens Tea Party at Holy Trinity. All welcome!

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Afternoon Concert in Wantage Parish Church this Sunday

A young musician of considerable talent, Jeremy will be playing a variety of pieces. A wonderful way to spend a sunny afternoon in July - and donations received contribute to the work of the parish.

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Ordination in Wantage Parish Church

On Saturday evening one of the parish curates was ordained priest in the Parish Church. Bishop Lindsay Urwin, Administrator of the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham, preached, ordained and celebrated. Fr Dominic, who was made priest, was supported by the prayers of a full church, the saints and the angels. The Archdeacon of Oxford received Fr Dominic's oaths of allegiance to the Monarch and obedience to the Bishop of Oxford, on his first visit to Wantage in his new role in the diocese. 
Fizz and delicious cake followed.

A first Mass followed the next morning, celebrating the patrons of the church, Saints Peter and Paul. 

And a superb bring and share lunch, for which many people stayed. 

Heartfelt thanks to everyone who contributed to making it such a wonderful weekend of celebration. 

With humble spirit and contrite heart may we be accepted by you, O Lord, and may our sacrifice in your sight this day be pleasing to you, Lord God.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Choir Summer tour to Llandaff Cathedral

Plans are now well advanced for the choir’s summer tour to Llandaff Cathedral – officially the Church of SS Peter & Paul, Dyfrig, Teilo and Euddogwy, which is the seat of the Most Rev’d Dr Barry Morgan, the Bishop of Llandaff and Archbishop of Wales.  Between Friday 26th July and Sunday 28th, the choir will be singing at four services, and during their free time on Saturday will be visiting Cardiff Castle or St Fagans National History Museum, both of which are close to the Cathedral. 
There are currently 43 in the Wantage party and the choir would welcome any further support.  Llandaff is less than two hours’ journey by car and well worth a visit. 

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

School is back after a much deserved, sun-drenched break. Children in decidedly high spirits after lunchtime in the heat, but quickly settled into the Collective Worship calm. Our themes: Wisdom, coupled with the poignant sign of the time of year, Moving On. They warmed to the sideways slant on both. Who knows us better than we know ourselves? God! His Wisdom passes understanding. If we forget to tell ourselves how special we are, God knows it best of all, and wants to remind us always. He whispers in the heart....if we're quiet enough to listen.

Gratuitous post, mostly an excuse to show off the glorious new hanging in the hall, creation of staff and children last term.

And here we are up close.

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Great expectation in Wantage this morning with the triangulation of three calendrical constellations: Her Majesty's 60th anniversary of Coronation, Ray's Wantage Carnival and the Solemnity of Corpus Christi: our feast day of thanksgiving for Holy Communion.

The sunshine filled the church up with smiling faces.

There followed prayerful and uplifting worship. The sermon: God feeds us in this sacrament with his own life, the love that fills heaven itself. The Eucharist is how God nourishes us into being 'who we most need to be': always forgiven, accepted and fulfilled, in readiness for our eternal life. Procession of the Sacrament at the end of Mass, our tiniest members toddling in front to line the way with petals and fragrant leaves. Our preacher's words echoed: We gaze on him who leads us into the heavenly places, his band of pilgrims and beloved friends. Benediction sent us on our way to the carnival.

Bacon rolls and muffins in the sun. Your blogger didn't quite muster the courage for the helter-skelter.

Thursday, 30 May 2013

The Blogosphere Welcomes...

Our parish blog begins today! I will be posting news of parish events, reflections and other food for thought here and on the parish twitter account

Happy Feast! Today is the solemnity of Corpus Christ, the day on which we remember the institution of the Holy Eucharist: where God comes to meet his people in ordinary food, made extraordinary by his power. We too become extraordinary, who eat and drink in remembrance of Christ's death and resurrection. Alleluia! We will be keeping the feast again on Sunday, at our 5pm (Sat) 8, 9.15 and 10.30 Masses. Procession and Benediction at 10.30 Solemn Mass. All welcome; children's church/creche; refreshments after mass.